Droggo animation

Droggo animation

Droggo animation • Droggo animation •

This was an amazing work made for and in collaboration with @droggogear.

Droggo is a brand that focuses in create functional dog and human gear….”Droggo was born from the drive to want to change every dog to human relationship for the better, in a functional and fulfilling manner for both, so they can connect in a meaningful way. The core of our brand represents the strong bond between humans and dogs, and it is meant to evoke a sense of rustic feels and ancient times. Our ancestors put a lot of effort domesticating and taming wild dogs, and our brand stands for this beautiful relationship that intertwined and blossomed to what we know nowadays”

Using Droggo’s story, values and brand assets such as logo, color palette and typography, we created this fun animation that recreates the story of the past and present connection between dogs and humans.

We began by creating a mood board and then developed a storyboard. For inspiration, we explored ancient petroglyphs—images carved into rock surfaces that depict the early bond between humans and dogs. We also drew ideas from contemporary and trending illustrations and animations featuring dogs.

We incorporated Droggo’s color palette to design the characters and backgrounds for the story, along with Droggo’s iconic dog logo. These elements were created as vectorized images in Adobe Illustrator, enabling us to rig the characters in After Effects for animation.

After the first part of our project was approved :) we moved on to creating animations in After Effects. For character rigging, we used RubberHose, while some animations were crafted using frame-by-frame techniques. To achieve a more handmade and less sharp look, we incorporated various effects and textures.

We produced several full-length animations in different sizes and color schemes, tailored for use on social media. Additionally, we enhanced the animations with sound effects and music.

A special touch was the sound of the dogs barking—it’s an authentic recording from the owner and creator of Droggo! 🐾

Using Droggo’s typography, we animated the logo and brand assets in various creative ways. To enhance the project further, we also introduced a new web loader, fully animated using Animate and After Effects.

the assets….


The Planet